Reducing Online Vulnerabilities

Assessing Online Risks

After determining the scope and seriousness of the online threat, TKO may take steps to remove, to the extent possible, the nefarious online content and also minimize the availability of a client’s publicly-available online information. IGI’s potential responses may include removing a client’s personal information from search results, collaborating with media outlets to reduce risk & exposure in existing social channels & publications, and coordinating with appropriate third-parties to remove trademarked content online.

TKO also guides online behaviors, personal profile monitoring strategies.

TKO then continues to monitor the situation and address new concerns, should they arise.

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Give your clients peace of mind

Remove Conceal Restore

Conquer the digital divide from closed cases, online reputation issues that haunt your clients. Giving them a fresh start after the case is closed or even while legal matters are harming their online reputation and finances.




Strategy Management

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Powerful Execution